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Some People Go Fishing!

Writer's picture: Sylvia NicholsSylvia Nichols

After what seems to be endless rainy days the sun is shining for the second day in a row! The sky is blue! The garden centers are full of wonderful plants just beginning their seasonal journey to summer splendor. Kids are out riding their bikes, and the neighborhood is full of dog walkers.

Yesterday, I turned off technology and escaped for a beautiful drive to walk among thousands of naturalized daffodils. on Wigwam Hill Road in Litchfield. Acres of unspoiled woodlands, rolling hills along unpaved roads, an occasional house and farm nestled into the meadows with spring flowers nodding in the breeze. "Good morning" to a gentleman walking his dog. "you live in a beautiful place!" "I would not live anywhere else!" A little good news!

I am always renewed by the simple beauty of our world. Listening to the radio I was taken back to the 1980s when Anne Murray began her song" "I sure could use a little good news today". ( ) 40 years later the constant media reports of shootings, robberies, homelessness, the horror of international conflict around the world, and political divide seem to invade every hour of our days! Add to that, social media gossip, criticism, entitlement, bullying, judgment, mental health crises, addiction, and family drama. What has happened to us?

My son, who is now eligible to join AARP, has a straightforward solution. He goes trout fishing in the beautiful rivers of CT. Away from the stresses of corporate America and the responsibility of guiding 5 young adult children as they make life decisions, he unplugs from technology and stands in the cold waters of the rushing stream, with thoughts only of the vastness of nature and which lure to choose that will capture the attention of the fish! A fleeting exercise as each catch is quickly released back into the river.

Friendly chats with an occasional fisherman. Memories of fishing as a child with a beloved uncle, wishing he was there to lift him up over the bank with his catch - knowing just the right pose for the camera to assure the viewer that the fish was HUGE! A little good news!

We are lucky, We are grateful. We find ways to distance ourselves from the negativity. Taught by my mother, lessons from the garden she loved, translated to life, are passed on to my grandchildren. Flowers of every color, endless varieties, large or small, some with damaged petals, live in the same garden. Respect for everyone regardless of differencs. Nothing is perfect. Celebrate the beauty. I am sure you were taught those things as well. More good news!

Let's begin to rewrite the song to create a" little good news" every day! Turn off technology, write a journal, and help your neighbor. Get outside, take a hike, drive to the beach, or maybe even go fishing! . A little good news can be contagious!

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